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Sharing【QBQ! The problem behind the problem]


【QBQ! The Question Behind the Question】

The sharing will explore the essence of the book and discuss how to apply these thoughts in work and life.


Partner Insights - Hung
After reading the book QBQ!, I had a profound feeling of enlightenment. The core points mentioned in the book are:

- Putting oneself in others' shoes
- Finding the root cause of problems

As a TC (Team Coordinator), I often have to deal with a mountain of items to handle. Under time pressure, I tend to dive straight into solving them without much thought, resulting in being trapped in the midst of problems. At such times, applying the perspectives mentioned in the book, timely detaching oneself from the problem and putting oneself in others' shoes, provides an opportunity for the problem to be solved effortlessly.


Partner Insights - Joyce Tsai
The company conducted a book sharing on QBQ!, and in the discussions within our 6-person group, it was interesting to learn that different people were deeply impressed by different stories. At the end, we also explored why the company recommends everyone to read this book and the commonality of the stories, which was worth reflecting on.

According to the guiding principles of QBQ!, I ask myself, "How can I complete my work as scheduled today?" Then, I check my calendar to allocate tasks, list detailed work items in Jira, and keep a notebook to help me quickly organize and clarify the day's events. As for asking better questions, I'm not very confident yet, but I try to approach questioning with my own answers in mind rather than asking completely blankly.

In recent months, I've also been learning not to think of myself as a victim. If I keep procrastinating and blaming others, I'll only make myself more prone to collapse and also affect those around me. Learning not to try to change others makes me happier. I know I can only change myself, and it's not easy to do, but I hope to gradually adjust my mindset to face various challenges more calmly. The book mentions that "stress is a result of choices, and when asking why something happened to me, it makes me feel powerless and overwhelmed by stress." In reality, we often encounter new challenges or situations. When facing new situations or changes, we can ask ourselves how to adapt to this ever-changing world and what we can do to make things progress smoothly.


Partner Insights - Sheng
After reading QBQ!, I felt full of positive energy when I saw service personnel who try to serve customers or positive-thinking pilot fathers. I believe that any problem that arises from the heart will affect my next step. Asking good questions can make things easier to solve or progress, while bad questions can keep us stuck or lead to complaints.

At work, when faced with difficulties, being asked a good question naturally brings forth solutions from my mind, allowing the problem to be solved. This question stimulates me to think of the next clue to solving the problem, which was very satisfying at the time. I often hear senior colleagues say, "Start with yourself." Starting with oneself and considering what I can do can make things better. The spirit of QBQ! is also centered on "I" as the core of asking good questions. When facing difficulties, asking good questions to team members not only guides them to think from different perspectives but also avoids negative energy. In the end, better decisions can be made.


Partner Insights - Daniel
People often complain at work, such as why something is bad, why predecessors wrote something in a certain way, why there are no documents, and so on. In fact, in these "whys," there are negative emotions and blame on others. But I believe that QBQ! wants to bring us to a different level of thinking about these negative emotions.

For example, how can I fix this, how can I modify this code, etc. Changing all problems to be centered on oneself, because we can't change others, trying not to complain, and blaming oneself if there are any negative emotions, can reduce meaningless conflicts and increase team harmony.


Partner Insights - David Lee
After finishing QBQ!, there were several themes that I found interesting:

1. The answer lies within the question, so better questions lead to better answers. Clear communication of problems is essential during inter-departmental communication. If the questions posed are ambiguous, the assistance provided to solve the problem will be relatively ineffective. Moreover, when organizing the problem, it is often possible to clarify the problem and sometimes find the answer.

2. Procrastination will accumulate more and more problems, increase stress, and lose enjoyment. Therefore, when the situation worsens, it is necessary to deal with it as soon as possible. During project execution, tasks are interdependent. If one task is delayed, the subsequent tasks will fall like dominoes, so it is essential to complete the Definition of Done (DoD) within the schedule when doing projects.

3. Leaders should not be problem solvers but problem givers. Leaders should not take on all the tasks themselves, as it will burden themselves and deprive their team members of the opportunity to grow. Trying to raise questions and guide team members to brainstorm in the right direction to complete the work, rather than doing it themselves, may take more time at first.

4. Don't try to change others. Everyone has different backgrounds, personalities, and work habits. Instead of forcing one's own work style on others, compromise to find a balance between both sides. As long as the end result is good.

5. "What can I do to solve this problem?" or "What can I learn from this experience?" After completing each project, it is essential to review and find out the reasons for the problems encountered in the project, and then avoid making the same mistakes in the next project.

6. Blame chain. Rather than spending time finding the culprit, it is better to spend time thinking about how to solve the problem. 


Partner Insights - Nick Chang
Reading QBQ! brought me deep reflection. This book emphasizes personal responsibility and effective leadership, which not only changed my way of thinking but also influenced my behavior.

The key concept of the book is the "question behind the question," which reminds us to stop making excuses, stop blaming others, and take proactive responsibility by asking more constructive questions to solve problems. This positive attitude is not only reflected in work but also brings about positive changes in personal life. I learned to better cope with difficulties, improve efficiency, and enhance interpersonal relationships.

In addition to personal growth, this book also teaches us how to play a positive role in teams and become valuable members. It reminds us that leadership is not just about command and control, but also about influencing and inspiring others.

In conclusion, I believe QBQ! is an extremely valuable book that not only helps in one's career but also inspires in personal life. This book is an important reminder that everyone can play a positive role in their lives and contribute to improving their surroundings.