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Sharing【QBQ! The problem behind the problem]


【QBQ! The Question Behind the Question】

In this Sharing session, we will explore the essence of the book and discuss how to apply these thoughts in both work and life.


Partner Insights - Renee

During my part-time job at Mega Bank, I had heard about how exhausting it was to work in the credit card department's card production room (managing machines and rushing shipments, with irregular break times). Many newcomers would leave shortly after joining, and people in the card issuance department didn't prefer to go to the card production room as substitutes (although everyone got along well). So, when I was initially assigned to work in the disassembly room as a full-time employee, I was somewhat relieved, thinking I could tough it out for a while.

Before long, the supervisor called a meeting with the new recruits and asked if anyone was willing to move to the card production room (since they were short one substitute). Initially, none of the new recruits reacted, and the situation became somewhat awkward. Seeing this, I decided to step up and said, "I'll do it." When the supervisor heard me speak up, it was like seeing a savior. Once I got into the card production room, I learned the work of three people within three months. It wasn't as terrifying as I thought; it just required the willingness to learn. Although there were many setbacks, my colleagues were patient and helped me overcome them step by step. Moreover, I learned a lot about card-related knowledge during this time.

My takeaway after reading QBQ! is: When we receive a task, our usual mindset is often, "Why me? Why isn't someone else responsible?" However, I believe the focus should be on how I can do this task well. Taking action from my own perspective, shifting from passive to active, gives me a better chance to solve problems. Avoiding a victim mentality and embracing an owner mentality helps enhance my sense of mission and responsibility. It starts with me because I am the only one who can change myself.


Partner Insights - Zayda

I believe the core concept of QBQ is to take responsibility for oneself rather than blaming or accusing others. Because we cannot change others' thoughts, the only thing we can change is ourselves. We can remove our victim mentality and focus on "What and how, not why, when, or who" to better face and solve problems.

The story of Judy in Chapter 30 left the deepest impression on me. The significance of the story lies in helping readers understand that our individual impact is often greater than expected, and the key is whether we choose to take action. Previously, I often heard people say, "If you lose, you're taken advantage of." But after reading this story, I realized that sometimes apparent losses are not losses, nor are they taking advantage of others. Instead, they redirect our focus back to ourselves, focusing on how to solve current problems with our abilities. Sometimes, by taking practical actions, even if it means personally "paying," the results we achieve will ultimately benefit us. It's not about seeking credit; it's about benefiting in multiple ways. Focusing on "what I can do to solve the problem" can further demonstrate a spirit of service.

Another concept I found profound and memorable from the book is: If you want to win, don't complain about things beyond your control; focus on improving yourself to the point where you won't lose. We are often easily influenced or compared by external factors. Once we only see the gap between ourselves and others, we fail to see where we can still improve. Therefore, the most formidable individuals are not necessarily the strongest but those who are particularly disciplined and self-reflective.

After reading this book, I gained many simple yet perspective-changing suggestions that can be applied to both work and life.


Partner Insights - Irene

This book is helpful both in life and in work. Its main purpose is to change our way of thinking and help optimize communication and problem-solving for individuals and teams. Several key points I find particularly important are: QBQ encourages us to be proactive individuals. Instead of always relying on others, we should actively ask questions and take action to achieve better work efficiency. Asking good questions means asking "how" or "what." We should focus on how to improve our work efficiency rather than constantly complaining and blaming others. Besides asking questions, it's also essential to follow through with finding solutions. In the end, the only thing we can change is ourselves.


Partner Insights - Welles

I'll share a work experience related to Chapter 39. When I first joined the company, I didn't know anything, and I didn't even know what I didn't know. Actually, I still feel that way now, but at least I know what I don't know. In the first month, I needed to establish the framework for sports through diagrams. During the process of learning this framework, I kept repeating drawing, adjusting, and understanding the structure of sports products. Now, I at least know that if there are problems I don't know how to solve or understand, I can refer to the structure and start debugging. Some things can be learned through "repetition," like learning basic knowledge in the sports domain, which requires repeated practice to master.


Partner Insights - Nia

I believe this book is definitely worth reading. It teaches us how to be excellent question askers rather than complaining or blaming others. By asking the right questions and taking action ourselves, we have the opportunity to change. The key is to change ourselves, not others, and to do what we can do well. If everyone thinks about how they can change themselves, the world will become a better place.

The spirit of QBQ requires us to start from ourselves, take personal responsibility, ask better questions, make better choices immediately, and take action to get things done.

The essence of QBQ lies in:

- The way and content of asking questions have a significant impact on others' feelings and responses.
- We are the ones who solve the problems and need to think about how to improve the situation.
- We can only change ourselves.

I believe these concepts are not only helpful in life but also in work. In my work, I am most aware of my situation and can think about where I need to improve. Also, don't underestimate your influence. By staying calm, making the right choices, being willing to try and take risks, and helping others with practical actions, your reputation will accumulate. Don't overlook your influence on others. Moreover, being a role model is also our responsibility. Whatever role we play, someone may be observing and imitating our behavior. The QBQ method encourages us to solve problems more actively and gives us more motivation to face challenges. This book has given me some new ways of thinking. It imparts practical skills that can enhance our self-management and communication abilities.


Partner Insights - James

After reading the entire book, I believe the core points are roughly as follows:

  1. Understanding the importance of empathy.
  2. When facing problems, don't just complain; think about the question behind the question.
  3. Shift your mindset and avoid a victim mentality. If one person in the team has this mindset, it can easily spread and turn into a blame game, hindering the team's progress.
  4. Each team member has different growth experiences, so it's important to interact well with all members. Each member has the ability to think about QBQ, which has a positive impact on the team atmosphere.

As a newcomer to a new environment, many things require guidance from senior team members, such as project architecture, professional knowledge, domain knowledge, etc. Sometimes, I worry that my abilities do not meet expectations, or I ask very basic questions. However, I believe these are adjustments that everyone needs to make. Not everyone is a mentor, and self-transition is also a crucial learning process.

Two chapters in the book left a deep impression on me. Though I forget their specific names, the essence was as follows: "You can't change others' thoughts," and "The only thing you can change is yourself." Let's say each person in the team is a container of different shapes. You can't change the shape of the container, but you can change yourself to fit into it. Therefore, we can liken ourselves to "water," perfectly filling every container and smoothly collaborating with each person. This analogy is quite meaningful and can significantly aid personal growth.

My professors often told me to approach everything with a "people-centered" mindset. No matter what we do, developing any product, we cannot escape the factor of "people." Therefore, understanding people's feelings is crucial. If someone reacts with happiness, anger, doubt, or curiosity, we can consider the reasons behind it. Even if our speculations are inaccurate, over time, we can gradually master the skill of empathy. This leads to subtle changes in interpersonal relationships and work dynamics.


Partner Insights - Anthony

This QBQ Sharing session was a good opportunity for me to reflect. The story that left the deepest impression on me was the Pepsi story. The main message I got from it was whether you have the responsibility to handle the problem when it arises, instead of approaching it with a victim mentality.

I've encountered the victim mentality many times before reading this book. It doesn't just occur in work situations but is also crucial in relationships. Often, when interacting with a partner, if our mindset is that of a victim, we can easily become angry because of the facts we have created in our minds. However, is this reality? We often fail to verify. Therefore, I have had many encounters with this issue and have watched numerous videos discussing it. The victim mentality doesn't just affect our work; it has negative implications for everything. Thus, I think the book's exploration of this issue is quite valuable.

Another important theme is responsibility. I think many Asian companies often foster an atmosphere where everyone takes care of themselves. If you choose to stand out when the boss doesn't appreciate your efforts, it's easy to take on too much responsibility and experience burnout. I believe the best part about this company is that everyone is working for each other, for the betterment of the team, rather than avoiding responsibility. Perhaps this can only happen in small companies. In summary, while the book explores important topics, the balance between taking care of oneself and feeling responsibility is situational. It's not about saying one is better than the other because the world is not black and white.


Partner Insights - David Chou

The book "QBQ! The Question Behind the Question" deeply emphasizes the concept of "Let me figure out how to solve this problem," starting from personal responsibility and gradually guiding readers into group cooperation. It teaches how to ask QBQ questions. The author shares several succinct stories that rekindle readers' perspectives on asking questions, helping them understand the core value of each person in a group.

The author emphasizes that everyone in the group has influence, so it starts with oneself, taking on responsibility, appreciating each person's strengths and talents, and becoming the cornerstone of team spirit. At the same time, the author also clearly points out that the answer often lies in good questions. For example: "How can I do my job better today," "What can I do to change the current situation," "What can I do to support others?" When everyone starts thinking in this way, the way questions are asked will change, allowing things or goals to progress with enough nourishment.

When you reach the end and think you can relax, the author recommends, "Please read it again," silently flipping back to the first page, and reading it once more.