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Hackerathon【Ai is a good helper for you and me】


Hackathon Introduction

Have you ever heard of a "hackathon"?

A hackathon is a combination of "hack" and "marathon," where people gather together and engage in programming and planning activities in a marathon-like manner within a set time frame.

Our company recently organized a hackathon specifically focused on the trending topic of AI and its applications related to work.

Event Theme: "AI as Our Assistant" - Utilizing AI to optimize existing workflow processes.

1st Place Team from the 1st Edition:


**Partner Insights - Vincent**

During the process of building and promoting websites for clients, there is always a high demand for images. AI drawing can meet the diverse image requirements of clients and also save the time and effort designers would spend brainstorming from scratch. This can be beneficial regardless of the size of the client's team. Although the results of this attempt seem more like a preliminary trial, it has shown us more possibilities for business development.


**Partner Insights - Mark**

Previously, clients often had various types of image requirements but lacked the relevant technology and personnel. Combining AI drawing with image generators can partially meet the needs of clients. Although there is still room for adjustment in the images produced by the software at its current stage, after data preparation and model training, I believe there will be good quality images to meet client needs in the future. It also made me deeply appreciate the creativity and potential of artificial intelligence.


**Partner Insights - Albert**

We chose this topic mainly because we are interested in AI image processing. Occasionally, our account managers encounter clients who do not have their own designers but have image requirements. After discussing the requirements with the account managers, we found that designing a few presets that clients might frequently use allows them to quickly select the images that meet their needs, solving the problem of clients lacking designers and reducing the need for our own designers.


**Partner Insights - Ezra**

Technology has always been a means for me to solve problems, the most interesting and what I am best at. Like this ImGPT project, it's a pretty good example. It can solve business problems and bring something new to play with. Honestly, the technology used in the project process is not difficult, even simple. But what takes more time is finding the precise keywords that hit customer needs, which is the Prompt. In the process of searching, there is both pain and joy. The pain comes when you feel that the keyword should have hit, even ChatGPT tells you it has hit, but the result is unexpected. The joy comes from the choice of the model during the process and the moment it hits. Finally, I am very grateful to my awesome teammates. The collection and accumulation of keywords is a job that requires time and effort. The Prompt composed of keywords produced together, tuning the wording together, and reviewing the entire user flow together is the most rewarding part of this hackathon.


**Partner Insights - Cassie**

"AI image processing" was a new field that I had vaguely heard of but had no clue about before. From understanding the requirements to implementation, I not only got a taste of the process and technology behind it but also realized its potential for improving efficiency in real-world applications.

The most profound feelings from the two-week hackathon:

"Pressure" from the tight schedule.

"Happiness" from the various prompt ideas everyone came up with.

The few seconds of waiting for the images were full of anticipation and also a bit painful...

I believe this event also showed everyone how AI can be applied in our business and commercial activities. To borrow the words of our tech lead, "AI is not here to replace us, but to help us improve efficiency."