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Sharing【QBQ! The problem behind the problem]


【QBQ! The Question Behind the Question】

Sharing will delve into the essence of the book,
and discuss how to apply these thoughts in work and life.


Partner Insights - Albert

The book constantly emphasizes starting with "I" and "what," which combines with the attitude of "not being a victim." When the team faces problems, I always think about what I can do for them, and whether this is a learning opportunity for them. The book also mentions not blaming others. Sometimes, the team inevitably mentions it, which is quite normal from an empathetic perspective. But I hope that after reading this book, at least in work, such situations can be reduced, and everyone can focus on how to solve the problem.

The beginning of this book talks about the concept of taking responsibility. I really feel that responsibility can make people grow. Appropriate work pressure can make people focus more on their work, thereby inspiring different ideas or solutions, which also comes back to the alignment of "authority," "responsibility," and "benefit." I understand more about why this book is a must-read for everyone. If used in life, at least it will take on the responsibility for problems, not evade them, and reduce blame, using more "I" messages.


Partner Insights - Jimi

In the past year of joining the company, I've read QBQ 2.5 times, and there's no other reason than that it's worth it.

As a salesperson, I need to introduce products and get customers to buy, while facing the limitations of product capabilities and competition. What is the key to my success?

As a technician, I need to maintain products, solve problems promptly, and collaborate with departments. What enables me to bridge the gap?

As a human resources manager, handling personnel turnover, salary benefits, and limited resources to make everyone happy at work and continue to grow, what drives me?

This book points directly to the core, constantly asking myself, asking better questions, and finally letting things develop in a better direction, which is also cultivating personal accountability.

I'm very happy to witness that as the first book issued by the company for all employees to read, this spirit has been implemented in every colleague I've worked with in the past year, which is quite different from my previous experience in the financial industry! Facing emergencies or difficulties, complaints about job content and collaboration are almost unheard of here, which is precious.

A person's will is like an axe, inevitably damaged and dulled during the process of opening up new territories. If you choose to continue using it, it will only become more and more powerless. As my bathroom book, small books like QBQ recharge and sharpen the will, reminding us of the direction in our work and what "I can do now."


Partner Insights - Keris

After reading the book QBQ, several small stories in the book left a deep impression on me.

We are all in the same team. When problems arise, will you choose to complain, pass the buck, or choose to face the problem directly and ask yourself what you can do at the moment? When encountering confusion, you can also find the underlying problems by asking the right questions, so as to solve those things that may trouble you.

At work, sometimes you may stubbornly ask the wrong questions, which may not help the progress of things. For example, when a customer comes with a demand that cannot be met for some reason, asking the wrong questions may be passing the buck, saying that this business is not my responsibility, etc. After reading this book, I also learned the spirit of QBQ. If it's currently impossible to implement, then what can I do for the customer at the moment, thus taking action? If the situation cannot be changed temporarily, then what can change is only my own thoughts and actions.


Partner Insights - Melissa

Starting with "I" and aiming to ask better questions enables problems to be better solved.

Replacing blame, complaints, or shirking responsibility with a proactive, problem-solving approach.